Thursday, February 01, 2007

Got My Snow!

We finally got our snow! Yaaay. Now I know this isn't as pretty as some of these other photos that have been posted by some of my other 365ers. But this is my attempt. I didn't get the chance to take this photo until 5:30 p.m. Look at how bright this photo is. It was dark outside, but I used ISO 3200 and ran my Neat Image. Looks pretty darn good!

Have you had your portrait created today?



Melinda said...

Lucky you on getting snow - and a really neat shot!

KFphotography said...

3200? That is amazing, mine at 400 look so grainy!

heidi~r. said...

Wow, 3200...I'd say that looks fantastic! Very cute shot!

Anonymous said...

Great job is low light conditions!

Jess said...

good job! i like this.

Amy (3 Peas) said...

WOW I really like this!! I like the composition. That's fabulous for 3200!!!

Kimberly Schrock said...

I love the composition of this. Great job it's a nice image.