Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The High Key Experiment

Yesterday, I thought that I would try a new lighting hi key thingy that a local photographer friend told me about. She heard about this at the Image USA down in Texas back in January. I've always been told to have my background lights at least 2 stops above my key lights. Well, my friend has told me that one of the exhibits they showed how to have your background lights the same f/stop as your key lights. Why not? Good question, huh? Well, I tried it. On one very unwilling little boy and one that was overly willing! lol lol

I think that they came out pretty good. I shot them in RAW at ISO 100, SS 200, & F.9. My only problem was that originally I had them sitting on posing stools but they kept swinging around and pulling the lever to make themselves rise up. So I made them stand up, but I forgot to lower the background lights, which made me have to tweak the levels quite a bit. You could see an obvious difference from the height of the lights and where my little subjects were. Also, I used AB 800s for the background lights with no light modifiers on them. Only the 7 inch silver reflector that comes with them.

Also, you can see the tint on the paper background. I have no idea where a redish/pinkish tint came from. My walls are no where near being red. They're yellow, but not red. Maybe it's time to get a new background? But all in all, I think they came out pretty good. I'll be trying this on another baby session on Monday. We'll see how it goes.

Have you had your portrait created today?



Amy (3 Peas) said...

Nice! I have know NOTHING about studio lights- but these sure look great to me! :)

KFphotography said...

These are great. I use natural light, so also know nothing about lighting set up. I do love the look of high key and these look fantastic!

Karson and Kami said...

I think they look good Betty. Your boys are so cute!!

Unknown said...

These look great! There expressions are wonderful.