Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday's Best

We were all dressed up today to attend our Christian Meetings. My little men were looking mighty sharp today and they knew it. Both asked me to take their picture and they both did their own poses.
Even the little one looking out the door. That's how he wanted me to take his picture! lol I guess they have gotten used to this 365 challenge. lol

Have you had your portrait created today?



Allison said...

How adorable are they?!

They look so handsome, I love the poses.

Robyn said...

Two potential models??? Both so handsome. And beautifully photographed of course.

Melinda said...

Both of these shots are so special. Hopefully they enjoy getting dressed up because they look so good. said...

They are looking mighty cute!!

Anonymous said...

Handsome little men! You colors are always so pretty.

Miranda said...

Oh my, how handsome! I LOVE these! He looks so distiguished!! Bravo!!

BTW, TAG, you're it!
I have the assignment for you on my blog!

Amy (3 Peas) said...

Oh Betty I REALLY love these!!! I love the mood/feeling conveyed in them.

Louisa said...

These are awesome. What smart looking little men you have! Great poses as well!

Anonymous said...

OMG! What handsome little guys! I love that they're posing themselves. That's too cute. Great photos!